...to the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok? Here's my e-address to talk to me 'in person': creatissimo@gmail.com PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; )Sorry for the mistakes... PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on http://creatissimo.blogspot.com ; )
Here we come to the end, the end of the game and the end of the year... - with mixed feelings...
It's hard to say goodbye, close the door, to say goodbye to another era, but on the other hand we want something new and fresh, we are waiting with excitement for a start of a new era.
Are we ready for an empty, a blank page? Are we waiting with a pencil or paintbrush in our hands? Do we fear that everything will be as usual, are we going to be disappointed (again)?
For me, the end of this time, is a time of forgiveness and a purification time. When it's time to clean up old stuff, take what is good, clean our inner and external 'us', and during all of that explorations find our soul and its essence. Have I followed my path? How many turns it took for me to return to my intended path, how many obstacles I had to climb...? Do I still find myself on a map of my life?
Each new year is a new day of my journey. I know it will be interesting, unpredictable, exciting! I know it will be different than yesterday, I know it will be full of surprises. For this new year I have chosen this manifesto that will guide me - so that I'll stand on solid ground, but also will allow me to want more. Really, that's my life after all!
Today is the feast of old and new, beginning and the end, light and darkness... Today, it's a feast to celebrate you or to celebrate the others (or with the others). Therefore, today I say thanks for the holidays. The holidays bring us back to our essence, they slow us down, they offer a possibility to forgive and start anew. Thanks!
Question No.10:
Who or what you would like to thank for an interesting experience, memory, etc... in 2010?
This is the last question of the game 'Giving thanks and giving gifts'. You will have time to answer all the questions and to check if you have fulfilled all the conditions and rules for participation until Jan.6, 2011. In the meantime I'll check your blog, and see if you put my button there, etc... You will read further info regarding the game after the holidays... :)
In the new year 2011 I wish you much inspiration, lots of creative moments, inner peace, harmony and the sparkles that will light a fire in you!
I wishyou amagicalChristmasin thecircle of your loved ones, in a warm place andunder a strong roof. I wishthatinthesefestivedaysyou meeta lot ofsparklingeyes. I wishyouwarmth andsafety.I wishyouPeaceandinnerjoy. I wish you all the best! Andstaycreative!
And on SaturdayandSunday,just afterChristmasnight,I invite youtocome into a magicalworld!Yes,youheard it right!Magical World!You willfind it in SlovenskeKonjice,in the Old part of the town.Thereyouwill find me doing magic togetherwith the magical characters from the fairytales(andSanta Clauswill be there too). We will sparklejoyandlaughter!For moredetails, see the CreatissimoLab websiteunder the title:
You are welcome to join us!AndI can't waittoseesparkles inyoureyes!
Sparklesin theeyesoften tell us that curiosity, life,hope lie behind them...Therefore, I wish youlotsof curiosity this season!Look forward to all the attention that you get, tosmall steps that you do,warmhugs, shy kisses.Rejoice,laugh,enrichyour inner self! And ifyouforgotthe recipe forcuriosity...youwill definitely find it here in this video.- The best recipe I say!!;)
(another inspirationalandcreativeanimation I think)
Question no.8(the rulescan be foundinprevious posts): What do you like about Creatissimoblog?Whatyou readwith curiosity,what are you looking forward to read?Whatkind of postswouldyouwantin the newyear,whatkind of posts make sparkelsinyourhearts?
I wishyou abeautifulholiday seasonandhopetosee you in Slovenske Konjice tomorrow!
I'm back and all excited to play with you again! :) Has it ever happened to you that people would praise your dedication, kindness, generosity... and you would feel that you don't deserve all that praise? In all that excessive attention you'd step back in fear that the people who came towards you, would see your weaknesses and you would be caught in the 'lie' - in the fact that you are not perfect. This is how it is with me at the moment. In all this excitement over my art works and my personality, there is a deep voice within that says (it screams actually!!): 'I'm not worth it, I don't deserve this!' Although I like the attention and warmth that I get, I wonder: am I really worth it? Am I good enough, am I enough...? Wouldn't I've done it better and more, more, more? The thinking that I'm not perfect blocks me from letting it go, to enjoy the fruits I've earned, to be Me with all my positive and negative abilities. I'm scared that someone would get so close to me to see all my strengths and weaknesses, negativitness. My fear is that someone would find my weakness and take advantage of it and hurt me. I'm scared that all the excitement over me would turn into stoning. Fear... Why don't we let out the praise and enthusiasm? Why don't we show US to all the people who want to get close to us? Why don't we say that we deserve this? Wouldn't we be free, without fear, without limitations, without worries? When I think of the people I love, I know that they are not perfect and I know I like them the way they are. They deserve my attention, they deserve love, they deserve my enthusiasm! Because of their weaknesses they are very special, unique, lovely. That's why they are close to me...
(my works at the Christmas fair in Zagreb)
Therefore, today I thank all those who see our mistakes and weaknesses, but they still like us the way we are. They forgive, overlook and do not exploit our weaknesses to manipulate with us. I thank all those who know that we are not perfect and who believe that we still deserve their attention and praise.Thanks! Question No.7: What is your weakness that limits you from allowing yourself to recognize that you deserve attention and are loved by the others? PS 1: some of my blog followers have a feeling that my criticisms or comments are some kind of superior thinking for those who are 'below' me. I would like to emphasize that I don't have a need to be something more and I don't expect that you follow my instructions without previously verifying that this fits your personality. For me, the purpose of my blog is to widen the horizons, to look at the world from different perspectives, to self-analize and simply enjoy the creative process... Things I write, esp. the more professional ones, are the fruit of my own surveys and cases and the needs I see around me, - are written so that they would serve as an extra little help for people who want their life to be easier and lighter (of course, I first check everything in practice, before I write them down). Several paths lead to the end, the goal, some paths are easier than the others - each person chooses the path that suits him/her the most... If, for example, I write, how to properly hold a pen, I am writing this because it is proved that that's the best way for the muscles and joints of our hands and fingers, whereas the muscles are not shrunken, where writing is the fastest (and readable), etc... If you write differently, if you have a messy writing or not, if you're holding a pen your own way... - that's all up to you. I don't blame you, I don't hold my head in dispear, I don't point a finger to you. We all bear the consequences of our actions alone, so I have no right and no need to look for your weaknesses and point to them. So please, please, please, do not feel threatened if I write about something sometimes that it hurts. (Many times it hurts me too). I've heard a lot of sad children's and adult's stories, I've seen lots of pain, so I know that I want to help wherever is possible. I know that I do not have the time to look for other people's weaknesses, I know that I am far from having all the knowledge and skills of the World... but I know that with my blog I'm trying to spread the support, love and understanding, as I think there's never enough of them. If you want to talk to me personally, you can write me an e-mail. I will not use your words and thoughts on my blog or otherwise (unless you want it). Trust and safety are the key to a good relationship between us. Icare about you and am thankful for all the followers of my blog. PS 2: I had a good time at the Christmas fair in Zagreb (Croatia)! I'll write about it later, for now I just want to tell you that I've met a few of the Croatian bloggers in person and am so excited because we feel much closer now! Happy! :)
Greetings to a new winter day! Since going to the fair in Zagreb (Croatia), the snow over night messed with my plans. First I had to clean the snow off the yard to be able to go anywhere at all, then had to be ready for all the traffic confusions on the roads, etc... I don't like it, if I can't rely on others and if things do not go the way I've planned... : ( Ah, yes, reliability! When I wrote the post 'Catch the rhythm' and talked about the 'Lion King musical', I saved a few words for today's topic about reliability. The performers in 'King Lion', in many interviews, talked about reliability. How they have to rely on one another over the whole performance, and that they have to be there to a 'cm' accuracy. Everyone should stand at the precise point at a specific time, otherwise others may hurt themselves. Their masks, costumes are in fact often the whole constructions which can cause serious injury if an entertainer falls. In this video you might see better how many different constructions are in the play:
When working with children, of course, we are faced with another type of reliability. With the confidence which children expect / need from us. Sometimes parents are not very aware that the reliability means stability, and that the child needs to feel stability to feel safe and loved. Reliability, of course, also means that what we say, we mean it! We don't change our mind. Our children do test reliability to explore the boundaries, so saying no to his/her first request, and then after five minutes of his/her begging we say yes, is not what benefits the child. Actually with such a method we only show that the child can't rely on us. Years ago I worked with extremely apathetic 8-year-old girl who was not a happy, bouncy child. On any matter she didn't respond, not one word was taken seriously by her. Not even the words like: 'in five minutes we are going to a shop' did raise any mechanism in her. This was her defense because her parents promissed her a lot of things, but they never fulfilled them. The girl protected herself so that she no longer reacted to any words and no longer relied on her parents. Many people believe that the reliability is boring, predictable. But if you think well... Do our cells in the body wander around without a system? Do our eyes one day look at the things and the next day they smell things? What about the Universe - does the Earth rotate in one direction and after five minutes in the opposite direction? Not quite so, right?
(Photo from one of Austria's museums)
Therefore, today I thank all those who are reliable. Those who are trying to get somewhere on time..., that what they say is done..., who provide security to others. Thank you, thank you, I appreciate your reliability very much! Question no.6: How important is reliability for you? Are you trying to be reliable, or you think you'd be limited by it? Do you expect the reliability from the others and where do you think the reliability is the most important? Have a good time in snow-white idyll and take care!
Are you already waiting for the new post, new question? Have you missed me, because I was quiet for too long? I tell you, these december postings went totally out of the planned route. I did not expect to get such open and personal responses, deep thoughts, and even personal contacts by email. I was prepared for a more playful, easy game. But now I'm totally taken over by your great responses! And I am glad that this game became so personal, warm and connected us together! So much energy has been sent to me that I hardly can take it anymore! - I can't sleep because of excitement, I have butterflies in the stomach, my soul is singing... How can I say to all of these just a little, humble word: thanks? Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!... Not enough! It doesn't say enough! I would like a word that would tell you that I am grateful. I would like a word that would describe the feelings of joy, because I can see that things are possible. I would like a word to give you a warm hug and protect you. I would like a word that would say more than a 'thank you'. My previous post about the wishes and dreams has started a spark, a spark of hope! Some marvellous people contacted me offering help to make some of my dreams true. Imagine! Just when I almost started to believe to those who told me that my dreams will never come true here, the beautiful souls answered my hopes and prayers and will try to help. Thank you for your faith and support. I will definitely not forget this December! If only I knew the word that would mean more than a word: thank you! Well, I do have a tiny 'problem' now because of my posts and your reactions. I supposed to prepare (read: create) for the Xmas market in Zagreb (Croatia), where I'll go over the weekend. But the butterflies in the stomach, the excitement, enthusiasm, joy, gratitude, and communications with people who want to help me in achieving my wishes for others, don't give me any peace! I'm all into planning, exploring options, finding the ways, etc. - anything but creating! Oh, no! Only three days are gone, but (my) world turns around in a completely different direction! Really, there are no words that could describe those feelings! Thank you for your dreams, thanks for your hopes and believing in a better tomorrow! And today? There's a question for you, of course. Question no. 5: If you would like to thank someone and the word 'thanks' would not be enough, what kind of your (created) gift would you give her/him and why? (you can also link to the product, if it can be seen somewhere on the net). You are on my mind! Take care!
To this day I carry in my heart what I was taught years ago during my stay abroad. Where the most amazing dreams of mine became true. Where I grew internally and started to believe in 'miracles'. And there I realized that the key is only inaid of helping others to realize their dreams.
(from my photoalbum - Once Upon a Time in America)
There were people who helped me on the street and gave me a ticket which has changed my course of life. There were people of a different race who have taught me to love life and sing with my soul. There were people who have done more than I've asked and published my work - just from their pure enthusiasm. There were people who sat beside me on the bench and gave me a drawing to bring me happiness... and much, much more... Today I want to thank all the people who have helped to achieve my dreams! I want to give that happiness to others too!
(from my photoalbum - Once Upon a Time in Denmark)
Since then, I always have wishes, dreams... - that kind that would help me to help the others. Currently these are my dreams (some say they are too ambitions and that they will never come true, but I hope, I believe, I don't give up...):
have art therapy for victims of violence and help them as much as possible to get back to their inner self
complete a book about interviews for parents, educators, teachers and all who work with people; that they will be better at work, and then find people who will want my book
meet someone who would donate to me, lend (with confidence) or otherwise help to gather some digital cameras for the phototherapy workshops for socially vulnerable persons, in order to carry out a special project for them and with them
have an exhibition that will not only show my works, but visitors would be inspired to create; and find a gallery or a place where this idea would be supported
find someone to help me with some advice on the methodology for my specialistic research (post-grad. thesis)
find a person in Austria who could tell me more about their system of art therapy, work with victims of violence or other similar programs (or just find a friendly contact in Austria for a start)
meet a person who would help me with creating (finishing) an animated film with a child, victim of violence
These are currently my biggest wishes, which would have helped me to make other people's dreams come true. Question no.4 (rules of the game can be found in the first and second post): What are your wishes, dreams? Those that are not there for you, but because you know that will help - through you - to others? Write them down, even if they sound so impossible, 'unrealistic', strange! And though everybody say to you that they are too crazy to be true! I can tell you that I had the wildest dreams come true when I was abroad, for which I still think they were like a beautiful dream. It is time to let our dreams out! Actually I have an idea! Read mine and dreams of others in the comments - and perhaps you will be The One who can help (with the proposal, reference, recommendation to a friend, or even you personally) to the realization of our dreams! Such pure help is brilliant and powerful - this would be the best thing I could imagine that my blog would give you or that this year would bring: your and my joy at the realization of our dreams!Let us help Us and prove that dreams Are reality! Take your time and listen to the most hidden, silent dreams, tell them to us and we will do our best to see if we can make them true! Thank you!
... I could say for today's post about giving thanks. I'll speak about music. The music and the people take or give us energy. Sometimes I've invested a lot of energy in people who were just taking, taking, taking..., in the hope that we will get on the same wavelength one day. I failed. At some point I decided that I will invest energy only in those who also returned (invested) energy back, which for me means that the energy was circulating. You pass the energy to someone, he gives it back or forward to someone else, another person to another one etc. etc. Such a principle I use everywhere now: from workshops to blog. There are people who write blogs with some slender, self-sufficient tone. They expect feedback, cooperation, praise, comments, etc.. And they have no need to spread their energy across other blogs, with their comments or other way. But aren't the wheels driven forward only by the spin, huh? So I really appreciate all those who are struggling with the comments, though they have a little time, although perhaps they don't agree with written words, although... Thanks to you, the wheels rotate forward on your and my blog, no matter why you are writing your blog. Thanks! Similarly, it is in music. One revive us, other soaks us. Music therapists could say more about this topic. For today's post I chose music that gives meenergy, puts me in a good mood and is an incredible inspiration for artistic creation. When I first saw live The Lion King musical, I was amazed by innovation and creativity of Julie Taymor. What a person can create, if he/she has support in the implementation of ideas! I just can't find words to describe all this - all the wow's, oh's and ah's of astonishment, surprise, fascination... Every time I hear it, every time I see the musical, I am full of excitement! I'm completely taken over by all my feelings, all my senses and my energy of joy. Why I like it:
Great music, especially the one under the hands of Lebo M (choral singing)
Innovative costumes
Mixing of different styles (from shadow puppets, puppets, wooden accessories, clothing, constructions - nothing is missing)
A perfect scene effects
Playing in the audience (the music and the actors)
A great cast!
When all of this together, the project is bursting with energy, dynamism, enthusiasm! I saw quite a few musicals and all were fabulous, but this one was fantastic also from the artistic point of view, because it embodies a lot of different art expressions. You must see it, if you haven't already! Although I've seen it years ago, it still gives me the energy and the creative impulse. And that's why I love that kind of music! Question No. 3 (rules of playing in the first and second post): Do you find the energy in music (and what kind of music is that)? What about people - do you associate only with those that give you energy or...? Spend a weekend full of energy and let your creativity out! Enjoy!
Ever wonder about issues that are taken for granted? Well, now they are perhaps self-evident, but a few years ago...
I like to play with thoughts like: - Who found out that the cooked potatoes is edable and the raw is not? - Who 'invented' string for the toilet? - What would have happened if we haven't had clocks? - Why are traffic lights red, yellow and green?...
Many thanks to all those concessions that we made. I don't need to think of and invent new things, new techniques, new approaches, but only live a normal life and get things like that in my lap. Thanks to researchers!
Question no.2 (rules of the game can be found in previous posts - here and here): Do you wonder about some self-evident things although most of the people don't see 'it', but you always wonder how the 'thing' came to the world?
These days, I'm holding in my hands a heavy, bulky book, which I adore! This is definitely a book that I would like to have at home on the shelf and close. I am discovering interesting words, our culture, past, present, people...
(the book has a title: Slovenian ethnological lexicon)
In this book, I discovered a word that I've known for long, but I didn't know that it has such wonderful meaning: folklore = knowledge of the people Isn't it great? What comes to your mind when someone says 'knowledge of the people'? Isn't this an infiiiiniiiiteeeeee thought?? I've discovered more words like that which expanded my horizons, stimulated my imagination and inspired me for new ideas, new researching! The real revival!!
Therefore, this time I will say thanks to those who maintain that knowledge, spread it further, take care of it that it doesn't fade away. This knowledge of the people is not self-evident, does not fall from the sky... It provides a solid foundation for generations coming behind them and a safe home when we are afraid. Knowledge of the people deserves more attention and more respect, so this post and thanks are dedicated to it today... Hm, what kind of knowledge, thoughts, words will I leave behind? Question No. 1: which word, saying, thought, act, practice, tradition is close to you and you're grateful for the 'people's knowledge' that it was not forgotten? Which one pleases you, strengthens, protects, comforts you?Perhaps that's a dialectal word that makes you laugh, a custom, which touches your heart, a wise thought from your ancestors that you carry in your soul... I can't wait to hear your 'story'! :) * We play the game as the game is a fundamental of the creative process. With your cooperation, we will expand our horizons, learn something interesting, we will learn about each other, we might even get inspired!...Besides, you can earn a reward if you participate in the game all the time. (Read the rules of the game in the previous post: here). Responses and comments on all posts can be written at any time in December, until the game is not finished (you will be notified), as I know that this is a month when there's a lot of rush, a lot of care and we almost forget to enjoy a holiday season. In my posts you will be reminded just of that: to listen to yourself, to dive into yourself, to stop for a moment, to breathe... at least for a minute or two - that we will feel warmth in our hearts and get closer. Welcome to the Creatissimo game! It's nice to play with you! :)
Last year I tried to play a game with international bloggers (see this post), but nobody wanted to play :(. So, I'm doing it again this year as I'm an optimistic person ;).
This year?
It will be similar, but still different from the last year. Every post in December will have a task in which you can participate. If you will do it all the way, you will be a candidate for a reward. I will not tell how many 'candies' will be and what they are. It's a secret, you will just have to trust me :)! You will get more instructions in the next posts, for today, I just wanted to ask you: are you in?
If you say: yeeeeeees!, then you have two little tasks waiting for you today (let's call it a warm-up):
if you're going to play the game, copy and paste the button (above) to your sidebar of your blog and link it with this post or this blog.
spread the word about it (on your blog, facebook, twitter...) - what you prefer.
If you do that, then you are automatically in and ready to play!!
I'm looking forward to play with you already!! Have fun!
Teachers note and I have noticed at my workshops that many children hold pencils incorrectly:
1. they hold thumbs over pens 2. they press the middle finger on the pen instead of supporting the pen with the finger 3. even when they rest their hands for a while, you can see who is holding a pen incorrectly 4. who can write or draw anything precisely, if he/she holds the pen with squashed fingers?...
I can barely find those who hold a pen properly: with a pipette grip (thumb and forefinger hold the pen in place, the middle finger supports the pen).
I do not know how many today's kindergartens and schools devote time to this issue... Maybe I will be unfair if I say: too little. If it was enough, we would not see so many children who write incorrectly. When I was in The States years ago, experts in kindergarten regularly monitored the children and checked their abilities, which I loved. Because, in my opinion we should start this in child's early age, not when he/she is in 5th grade...
Sometimes I wonder where are the experts to talk about it? Are we aware of the implications of poor motor skills, poor concentration, poor coordination of eye and hand? We should help the children before it's not too late!
PS: If you or your kids have problems with holding the pens, you can buy a special 'adapter' for the correct posture of a pencil (here in Slovenia we buy them in a special pharmacy shop) or buy 'triangular' pens. Of course, you still have to take care to properly hold a pen and train yourself in graphomotor skills, but this tool is a good start to improve the problem.
All the images and the content of this blog are subject to copyright by their owners (either by the author or other authors). Please, do not use the content unless given written permission by the respective authors! (- write to creatissimo@gmail.com). You can link back to creatissimo when you blog about stuff you saw over here. Thank you!