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Welcome... the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok?
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PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )

December 31, 2009


I'd like to show you a few precious books that inspire me sometimes.

A book Makalonca (written by the Slovene writer F.S.Finžgar) with wonderful design and illustrations by famous Slovene architect Jože Plečnik.

I like Plečnik's works, because he was very creative, inovative, he put much attention to details, and he used the materials from the area where he built the architecture...
My freind, who knows that I adore Plečnik, gave me a special book about Plečnik, written in Czech language! Here are some pictures from the book:

Just for the holidays, I've got another precious book, called 'Art in All of Us'. Magnificant photos, happy children from all around the World are a perfect inspiration for the year 2010. I wish we would laugh more and feel like a child more often...
I wish us happiness!

Although I talk about books, I think, they are not the books that are precious. It's the feeling that touches our heart, our soul when we 'see' something. It can be anything: a blue sky, a lonely bird, a big tree, a smile in someone's eyes, a nice thought, etc. Anything that makes us 'awake' is precious.
So, I wish you many precious moments in the year 2010!

Happy New Year and
come and visit often!

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