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Welcome... the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok?
Here's my e-address to talk to me 'in person':
PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )

December 24, 2009

Happy Holi-days!


Thank you for the visits, comments, nice words, ideas, warm wishes! I cherish them and spread them around! Without you and your support it wouldn't work. Thank YOU!

If you didn't find unique, handmade, interesting, special Xmas-New Year gifts yet, you can find them here - they are waiting for you!!

Agh, and here is another question (no.4) for you: what kind of music you would recommend for Xmas (if we skip: Last Christmas, Do they know it's Christmas..., Silent Night...)?

For the rules to play jump here. (You can answer all the questions any time you want, if you joined us only today). The game will end on the last day of the year.

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