And how do you spend your 'we'-time?
Welcome... the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok?
Here's my e-address to talk to me 'in person':
PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )
Here's my e-address to talk to me 'in person':
PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )
March 27, 2011
March 23, 2011
Often I read comments regarding watermarks on the photos. Some people like them, some hate them - I read all sorts of stuff. I have my own opinion about watermarks.
Of course, in some way I want to protect my works, but I also know how to remove the watermark from a photograph, so I know that the watermark will not save me from those who have bad intentions. Therefore, my watermark is not very big and noticable, and is not intended to discourage the viewers, even those with bad intentions; I still try to make it in harmony with the photograph.
For me, the watermark means quite something else! Information! Yes, I like watermarks on the photos, especially if they give you some information about the artist.
Sometimes I save photos which I find on the Internet, because they inspire me or give me creative impulse. When you save a file, you usually don't have time to rename the picture or write down the author or the website address where you found it, so I love the watermarks on the photos, esp. those which hold such information, so that I can find the author at any time.
In such cases, the watermarks are for me very helpful and useful, so I'm always happy to see them! :) How about you? What kind of opinion or for what purpose you use watermarks in your photos?
This 'mark' has accompanied me all my life. If it was mine and the house would be renowated, I would frame it and keep it forever...
The auctions of my Easter bunnies will last until Friday evening! After that they will move into the e-shop, but the prices there won't be so special as they are now. So, why don't you catch them while you can??
Direct link to the auctions on the FB page.
A post about the auctions on the blog with more explanations.
Of course, in some way I want to protect my works, but I also know how to remove the watermark from a photograph, so I know that the watermark will not save me from those who have bad intentions. Therefore, my watermark is not very big and noticable, and is not intended to discourage the viewers, even those with bad intentions; I still try to make it in harmony with the photograph.
For me, the watermark means quite something else! Information! Yes, I like watermarks on the photos, especially if they give you some information about the artist.
Sometimes I save photos which I find on the Internet, because they inspire me or give me creative impulse. When you save a file, you usually don't have time to rename the picture or write down the author or the website address where you found it, so I love the watermarks on the photos, esp. those which hold such information, so that I can find the author at any time.
In such cases, the watermarks are for me very helpful and useful, so I'm always happy to see them! :) How about you? What kind of opinion or for what purpose you use watermarks in your photos?
This 'mark' has accompanied me all my life. If it was mine and the house would be renowated, I would frame it and keep it forever...
The auctions of my Easter bunnies will last until Friday evening! After that they will move into the e-shop, but the prices there won't be so special as they are now. So, why don't you catch them while you can??
Direct link to the auctions on the FB page.
A post about the auctions on the blog with more explanations.
about me,
creative works,
my works
March 21, 2011
Wake up!
This is how I would sum the events from the last and this week. As if I would, just like nature, enter the spring! ;)
These days my thoughts often escape to Japan, which has awakened me from the comfort and pleasures. On Friday, I joined a number of bloggers and spent the day in silence and dedicated it to that beautiful country. I also have a special bond with Japan as a very dear friend of mine lives there. Today, I finally heard from her. Luckily she is ok. I was relieved, even though I still feel the emptiness, because I can't comprehend how many people died, because of the earthquake and tsunami.
What will remain in the hearts of the survivors? Will they ever be healed?
Over the weekend, I was focused on Finland. As the first phototherapy project is on the go already, I'm often in the contact with my two mentors from Finland. Good thing is that Skype was invented, so we can communicate almost as if were together in the same room! :)
My mentors from Finland are great! Their commitment, support and time that they devote to me (yes, even on weekends), leave me breathless; but on the other hand, they are a wonderful example to me, to see what would I like to be. I grow and waking up with them! :)
Waking up every day in the mornings is a pleasure for me as I listen to the birds, that are singing outside in our garden. Their happy songs always bring me in a good mood!
I wonder if the little birds are affraid to take off and fly for the first time? Do they need a courage?
A few of us will talk about our courage that helps us to 'fly'. We will talk about that on the blog 'The Courage To Fly'. :)
In March and April you will read inspiring stories and thoughts of different creative authors. Join us - maybe you too will wake up and fly into the wide creativity!
These days, in me, emotions also woke up and bumbled their 'songs'. For them, I need (and want) to thank special people who supported me and saved me from some burdens :).
Thank you very much:
Andreja from Mavrična ustvarjalnica, who made sure that we now have enough cameras for the first project. Andreja, we use them already! :)
Vladka from Ustvarjalna skrinja and Martina from Chez Moi, who donated a precious gift - a piece of it looks like this:
And thank you to my dear friend from Estonia, who also put some effort in the project and helped me by supporting my idea. Thanks, Ande, you always know how to help! :)
This awakening is certainly the most beautiful one!
I hope you also are happily awake and that you are not grabbed by the spring's fatigue. Relax in the fresh colors of spring and creative inspiration! At our workshop with children we made flowers for Moms as they will have a special day on Friday. And how have you spent the day and how did you wake up?
Auctions of my works are still going on! Some Easter bunnies are waiting on Friday, when they will find out who will adopt them ;)! Please, join us if you can! If you will adopt a bunny, you will also get special 'words of wisdom' with the bunny, so why not surprise yourself with something beautiful and inspiring?
Direct link to the auctions on the FB page.
A post about the auctions on the blog with more explanations.
These days my thoughts often escape to Japan, which has awakened me from the comfort and pleasures. On Friday, I joined a number of bloggers and spent the day in silence and dedicated it to that beautiful country. I also have a special bond with Japan as a very dear friend of mine lives there. Today, I finally heard from her. Luckily she is ok. I was relieved, even though I still feel the emptiness, because I can't comprehend how many people died, because of the earthquake and tsunami.
What will remain in the hearts of the survivors? Will they ever be healed?
Over the weekend, I was focused on Finland. As the first phototherapy project is on the go already, I'm often in the contact with my two mentors from Finland. Good thing is that Skype was invented, so we can communicate almost as if were together in the same room! :)
My mentors from Finland are great! Their commitment, support and time that they devote to me (yes, even on weekends), leave me breathless; but on the other hand, they are a wonderful example to me, to see what would I like to be. I grow and waking up with them! :)
Waking up every day in the mornings is a pleasure for me as I listen to the birds, that are singing outside in our garden. Their happy songs always bring me in a good mood!
I wonder if the little birds are affraid to take off and fly for the first time? Do they need a courage?
A few of us will talk about our courage that helps us to 'fly'. We will talk about that on the blog 'The Courage To Fly'. :)
In March and April you will read inspiring stories and thoughts of different creative authors. Join us - maybe you too will wake up and fly into the wide creativity!
(You will be able to read my story on April 18, 2011)

(Click on the thumbnail to jump there and find the first stories and the calendar of upcoming posts)
These days, in me, emotions also woke up and bumbled their 'songs'. For them, I need (and want) to thank special people who supported me and saved me from some burdens :).
Thank you very much:
Andreja from Mavrična ustvarjalnica, who made sure that we now have enough cameras for the first project. Andreja, we use them already! :)
Vladka from Ustvarjalna skrinja and Martina from Chez Moi, who donated a precious gift - a piece of it looks like this:
It is already in childrens' hands! :)! Feelings can not be described!
And thank you to my dear friend from Estonia, who also put some effort in the project and helped me by supporting my idea. Thanks, Ande, you always know how to help! :)
This awakening is certainly the most beautiful one!
I hope you also are happily awake and that you are not grabbed by the spring's fatigue. Relax in the fresh colors of spring and creative inspiration! At our workshop with children we made flowers for Moms as they will have a special day on Friday. And how have you spent the day and how did you wake up?
Auctions of my works are still going on! Some Easter bunnies are waiting on Friday, when they will find out who will adopt them ;)! Please, join us if you can! If you will adopt a bunny, you will also get special 'words of wisdom' with the bunny, so why not surprise yourself with something beautiful and inspiring?
Direct link to the auctions on the FB page.
A post about the auctions on the blog with more explanations.
March 17, 2011
Auctions of my works for phototherapy project
Well I finally gathered some of my works, that I wish to scatter among you!
As Easter approaches, I chose to start with my naughty bunnies. Some are: curious, in love, unhappy, dreamy... Adopt the one that touches your heart the most! :)
And I will also have some spring art works and some for different tastes. Depending on the response...
Auction can be found at CreatissimoLab FB page. Anyone who does not have Facebook profile, and still wants to participate, can write their offer here in the comments and I will put his/her offer on FB for him/her. For any questions about the auctions, please contact me by e-mail.
I'm sure you know the rest:
Money from the auctions will go for the phototherapy project. You can read about the progress of the project on a special blog.
Here are the links to the auctions that I will add continuously:
Thanks in advance for your cooperation! All we involved in the project are sending you our Love!
As Easter approaches, I chose to start with my naughty bunnies. Some are: curious, in love, unhappy, dreamy... Adopt the one that touches your heart the most! :)
And I will also have some spring art works and some for different tastes. Depending on the response...
Auction can be found at CreatissimoLab FB page. Anyone who does not have Facebook profile, and still wants to participate, can write their offer here in the comments and I will put his/her offer on FB for him/her. For any questions about the auctions, please contact me by e-mail.
I'm sure you know the rest:
Money from the auctions will go for the phototherapy project. You can read about the progress of the project on a special blog.
Here are the links to the auctions that I will add continuously:
Thanks in advance for your cooperation! All we involved in the project are sending you our Love!
March 10, 2011
Pst, don't tell!
A few posts ago I told you that I was upset. And I still am.
Are you mentally prepared for the 'hard truth' for which a very few people know (or wants to know)?
The cause is something that we heard in our news... First, I spent some time thinking whether I should say something about it on my blog, as this blog is focused on more positive, creative side of our lives, and whose main task is to promote creativity and creative thinking. But since I was actually brought here just because of these 'issues', I said that it is ok to write about it here.
The 'issues' are called victims.
As we heard in the news, there was one case, where the court acquitted the priest, because the 'touching of girls was not sexual harassment'. Why? Since in the act there was no 'sexual instinct' in the perpetrator and it was 'irrelevant factor how the injured party perceived his offense'.
If these allegations are well read, then I hope you understand why it upset me.
Luckily there was a columnist who then described the matter as it should be - for Dummies, that everyone understood why we (some of us) were upset! If possible, please read her article in our newspaper Dnevnik, on Tuesday, 22.2.2011 under the heading 'Guilty'. Tanja Lesničar - Pučko explains that touching and interfering in the intimate area IS harassment of any individual!
Anyway, I will not go into details, because the article really tells everything, so I will not repeat its contents.
I would like to say something else...
Because such things happen the victims in our country are what they are. Guilty, guilty, guilty.
In my 10-year career working with victims and witnesses of serious crimes, 90% of them told me that they were sorry to report the crime. Because they were regarded as having committed the crimes, as if they themselves were looking for and asking for what happened to them, whether it was a street robbery or rape. I saw many who went home without having someone who would help them. What have these victims done at home? What choices they had: to swallow as many pills as possible in order to 'forget' the event or lock into the apartment to close themselves of this World. And because we don't see the victims, they don't exist!
How many victims actually call for help themselves?
Who sends them somewhere for help and where?
Do not tell me that they have available SOS-telephones. - Tell me rather who keeps records, what happens to these people after they are 'nicely' treated by the Police and when they go home. How many of these people call for help?
Who is actually helping the victims in a professional way to get internal balance...?
What I saw how some people work with the victims and witnesses of crime, and what the victims told me, has prompted me to go. Because I was sick when I saw how the victims were treated. The victims or perpetrators - they talked to them the same. Yes, all the same: the same people were having 'interviews' with the perpetrators and with the victims. In the same way. Everything is suspicious, everything is not-true, all is 'oh not so bad', everything is irrelevant... And such people think they know everything, they don't need someone to remind them of something or to propose to work better. No, they already know everything. And they also know that the victims are too weak to complain about how they are treated...
How many of us know or want to know what happens to victims? Since the victims are quiet and hidden from the World, they are not existing. And, yeah, they are ok in a day or two anyway...
Anyone who studies the psychology, human brain, emotions, etc. knows the real effects of the crime. He/She knows that the victims may be going through this:
And let me tell you that this is 'mild' way what victims are doing to themselves. What the victims do to themselves if they are not heard, is difficult to explain, because often we think that it is not true. And the perpetrators exploit our ignorance. Or, the victims become perpetrators...
I am upset how our government treats the victims. I will do my best to change something, even if it will happen just before I die. I left the institution that should have provided the confidence, security, assistance, expertise, because I saw that that was not true and that I won't reach my goal: to help the victims of crimes. Therefore, I decided to open my own business Creatissimo, although I (the way I see it now) will have a long road to achieve my original goal.
I am thankful for people who are already working on this, as they give me an example and hope. I now believe that my goal is tangible. Thank you to keep on going!
Are you mentally prepared for the 'hard truth' for which a very few people know (or wants to know)?
The cause is something that we heard in our news... First, I spent some time thinking whether I should say something about it on my blog, as this blog is focused on more positive, creative side of our lives, and whose main task is to promote creativity and creative thinking. But since I was actually brought here just because of these 'issues', I said that it is ok to write about it here.
The 'issues' are called victims.
As we heard in the news, there was one case, where the court acquitted the priest, because the 'touching of girls was not sexual harassment'. Why? Since in the act there was no 'sexual instinct' in the perpetrator and it was 'irrelevant factor how the injured party perceived his offense'.
If these allegations are well read, then I hope you understand why it upset me.
Luckily there was a columnist who then described the matter as it should be - for Dummies, that everyone understood why we (some of us) were upset! If possible, please read her article in our newspaper Dnevnik, on Tuesday, 22.2.2011 under the heading 'Guilty'. Tanja Lesničar - Pučko explains that touching and interfering in the intimate area IS harassment of any individual!
Anyway, I will not go into details, because the article really tells everything, so I will not repeat its contents.
I would like to say something else...
Because such things happen the victims in our country are what they are. Guilty, guilty, guilty.
In my 10-year career working with victims and witnesses of serious crimes, 90% of them told me that they were sorry to report the crime. Because they were regarded as having committed the crimes, as if they themselves were looking for and asking for what happened to them, whether it was a street robbery or rape. I saw many who went home without having someone who would help them. What have these victims done at home? What choices they had: to swallow as many pills as possible in order to 'forget' the event or lock into the apartment to close themselves of this World. And because we don't see the victims, they don't exist!
How many victims actually call for help themselves?
Who sends them somewhere for help and where?
Do not tell me that they have available SOS-telephones. - Tell me rather who keeps records, what happens to these people after they are 'nicely' treated by the Police and when they go home. How many of these people call for help?
Who is actually helping the victims in a professional way to get internal balance...?
What I saw how some people work with the victims and witnesses of crime, and what the victims told me, has prompted me to go. Because I was sick when I saw how the victims were treated. The victims or perpetrators - they talked to them the same. Yes, all the same: the same people were having 'interviews' with the perpetrators and with the victims. In the same way. Everything is suspicious, everything is not-true, all is 'oh not so bad', everything is irrelevant... And such people think they know everything, they don't need someone to remind them of something or to propose to work better. No, they already know everything. And they also know that the victims are too weak to complain about how they are treated...
How many of us know or want to know what happens to victims? Since the victims are quiet and hidden from the World, they are not existing. And, yeah, they are ok in a day or two anyway...
Anyone who studies the psychology, human brain, emotions, etc. knows the real effects of the crime. He/She knows that the victims may be going through this:
And let me tell you that this is 'mild' way what victims are doing to themselves. What the victims do to themselves if they are not heard, is difficult to explain, because often we think that it is not true. And the perpetrators exploit our ignorance. Or, the victims become perpetrators...
I am upset how our government treats the victims. I will do my best to change something, even if it will happen just before I die. I left the institution that should have provided the confidence, security, assistance, expertise, because I saw that that was not true and that I won't reach my goal: to help the victims of crimes. Therefore, I decided to open my own business Creatissimo, although I (the way I see it now) will have a long road to achieve my original goal.
I am thankful for people who are already working on this, as they give me an example and hope. I now believe that my goal is tangible. Thank you to keep on going!
(Cathy Malchiodi is my big idol)
I hope I did not spoil your (happy) day. I didn't write as much as I wanted, because I hope that you will read between the lines. I want to let people know what is happening and I hope that professionalism will override all those smart 'blah-blah-blah's' how they all work 'oh-so-hard' on this field and how professional their work is. And this is only a fraction of what I might have written on this topic...
Stay brave! :)
Stay brave! :)
art therapy,
creative process,
March 08, 2011
Women's Day
Have a nice day today, dear ladies, women, Moms, Grandmoms...
creative works,
my works,
soon to be
March 04, 2011
Enter the Mardi Gras...
... crazy week!
Enjoy in the colors, laughter, go-away winter, greasy donuts and the masks!
Do the things that you haven't tried before and don't forget to be creative!
Enjoy in the colors, laughter, go-away winter, greasy donuts and the masks!
Do the things that you haven't tried before and don't forget to be creative!
More about masks in words and pictures can be read in my last year's post: Masks... What are you most fascinated about the Carnival?
PS: I placed back the 'word verification' to the comments section, as I've got spam right after I turned it off. Therefore, please do not ask from me (or even threaten me like some people do) to withdraw the word verification... - obviously we have different experiences with it and some people actually use this with a reason. I promise that I will still read your blog even if I 'loose time' by entering the words for word verification when commenting your posts. I respect your decisions...
PS: I placed back the 'word verification' to the comments section, as I've got spam right after I turned it off. Therefore, please do not ask from me (or even threaten me like some people do) to withdraw the word verification... - obviously we have different experiences with it and some people actually use this with a reason. I promise that I will still read your blog even if I 'loose time' by entering the words for word verification when commenting your posts. I respect your decisions...
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All the images and the content of this blog are subject to copyright by their owners (either by the author or other authors). Please, do not use the content unless given written permission by the respective authors! (- write to You can link back to creatissimo when you blog about stuff you saw over here. Thank you!