The question in one of the comments has been on the use of color among children. What if the child is using a specific color?... So I said to write a few words on this topic.

Colors impact on humans a lot, although we are consciously unaware of that. Their vibrations irritate our eyes, which send stimuli to the brain, etc. Simple logics. Then there is the psychological effect of colors too, which can be summarized in one sentence: the colors are important!
Today I see many people manipulate with the others with the colors. Advertisments, painted rooms, packaging, fashion. But there are also those who use colors just ike that, without thinking, and unwittingly do damage to themselves or others.
It is popular to have a colorful apartment, and even more 'screaming' facade, purple hair, red sports car... The result are the people who respond to those colors accordingly.
I know a school that has classroom walls painted with red paint. Completely wrong. But I also know another school (Waldorf), who has painted the walls of classes with exactly chosen colors, based on research. They also use red, but the color is different and how the walls are painted is also important because their effect is totally different from the above-mentioned school.
But I could write a book about this, so let's get back on the track and talk about color and children now.
Research has shown that children choose the colors the way they feel it (their emotions, emotional mood), so we should not say to them that the Sun on their drawing should not be red. Children, before they enter the school or. approximately before the age 6, don't draw a realistic world through observation and with realistic colors (green grass...). Some will test all crayons (they are more interested in the traces the crayons leave on paper rather than the color of that trace), the youngest children tend to choose only two colors.
Upon entering the school, most children enter a new level - a realistic portrayal of the world, including with the colors. Whether or not the child during this period depicts objects in realistic colors, that is something that the experts (art teachers, psychologists, psychiatrists) don't agree yet. Some believe that it is not necessary, others see in unrealism pathological signs.
My opinion is that the child should not be 'judged' only from his choice of colors. It is necessary to consider the drawings, his behavior, speech skills, his development..., that we'd understand his personality as a whole.
However, the most "problematic" colors when used by younger children are: black, purple and bright red. These are signs of suffering, aggression, hidden anger. But he might just have a period of his favorite color, so we should be careful with our conclusions.
(hm, which would be her favorite color, huh?)
It bothers me that the various 'experts' quickly put the children into a 'box' according to some quick conclusions without checking if their findings are right.
At art therapy, I first analyse the client, to learn more about him and his problems. However, this result does not end there. After several meetings, I give the client an additional task on the basis to re-analyze the previous results and determine whether I really set the correct 'diagnosis' (I compare first and second analysis). When I am in doubt, I give the client more such exercises, where I can get more useful information for working with the client. Playing with people, especially the weak persons, I find it highly inappropriate.
Therefore, I would say as follows: Observe what color you choose, and why your child choose exactly 'that' color. Do not judge it just on general and superficial basis, and do not paint the bedroom in purple, because purple is a hit this year or because you like it this month. Be careful with colors and chose them with your own feelings, and that's when your health and mood will look like a big, bright rainbow!
Now, get yourself on the feet and explore your place to find the color that will give you a new, creative energy! Go, go, go!
PS - Have you ever wondered:
Why is the most popular Ferrari red and not white or in any other color?
Why are witches depicted in black and purple (+ orange for fire)?
Why are life jackets orange or yellow?
Why you never notice people on the streets, dressed in brown clothes?