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Welcome... the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok?
Here's my e-address to talk to me 'in person':
PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )

April 27, 2010

Good morning, sunshine

On the day when Anja from Drobtinice wrote this post and annonced a little contest, I caught the sun-rays in the morning, while they were...

playing with the grass,

with the peach tree,

and with the magnolia in the full bloom.

I love to catch the sun-rays (and they like to do that to me, too)! ;)

April 25, 2010

For all the garden plants lovers, here's another idea how to make your own, unique garden plant markers.

As always, you will find the how-to instructions at www Dom in Stil, when you click here:

April 23, 2010

Growing seeds

Do you know what will grow in your garden?

Go to www Dom in Stil for tutorial:

April 22, 2010

Little birds

Invite the birds into your own home!
I'm sure they are going to make your spring brighter!

As usual, you'll find the tutorial on www Dom in Stil, if you click here:

April 21, 2010

Do you know?

... if there's a shop in Austria (close to Graz or Villach) where they sell scrap stuff like: stamps, distress inks, sizzix stuff, punches, brads, buttons, ribbons, trims, etc.

I haven't find a decent shop yet - maybe I'm looking at the wrong place?

A big thanks in advance!

April 19, 2010

The 10th

A while ago, Vladka gave me a task to: Open my first folder in My Pictures folder, select 10th photo and tell a story about it.

I don't usually save my pictures in My Pictures folder, so I was surprised to even find a picture there ;).

This is a picture of my grandfather. He used to make baskets, sweepers, and other things from branches. I still remeber the smell of fresh wood...
Unfortunatelly, I was not 'old enough' to learn this family tradition when I had a chance. Today it's too late...
At least I have a photography, which can take me back to my beautiful memories...

How about your 10th picture in your My Pictures folder?

April 18, 2010

For your garden

When you have a problem how to remember where you've sown the seeds in your garden, there are a few solutions for that:
  • you can wait to see what will come out
  • you can leave the seed-bags next to the sown plants,
  • or you can create your own plant markers that you will not chase them around the garden when the wind is blowing or when it's raining.

You will find a how-to recipe www Dom in Stil if you click here:

April 15, 2010


What is messy for you?

I get very different answers to this question. The parents' answer is different from childrens', teachers' different from pupils'… Some don't like to be messy at all, some tolerate it.
But being messy can be very useful for some people, so I think we should do it more often - at home, in the schools, on holidays, at the workshops...

At the art therapy, when we learn about our klient (how he solves problems, what are his/her problems, what he/she likes...), we try to figure it out, if being messy would help the klient to go over his/her blockades. Being messy is useful for the people who handle their problems physically. They have a need to express theirselves with their body, with the movement.

We can be messy with the paint or clay. Clay is useful for the people who have too much energy or for the hyperactive people.

Some people have problems to touch the mess. They don't touch it with their hands, but they use one finger only. And some people don't want to make an 'ugly' picture...

This month I have an art therapy with a schoolgirl who was worried about making an ugly picture. We talked about what is ugly and what not a lot. Only after our conversation she became more relaxed and enjoyed being messy with the paint. That was a progress for us...

After some time, this mess (when this need will be satisfied) will organise itself in order, and then the art works will express the girl's inner self.

In our schools and kindergartens there is not enough awareness that the children have to express themselves in their own way and should not be creative just because they have to get a good grade. Children should explore different materials and test them not to get good grades, but to see which material will help them the most to express their inner self the way they want it. This is their need.

But, of course, for the 'messy' project we need the right equipment. We have to cover the creative space with protective covers, dress the klient and us into the clothes that can be dirty, choose the materials that will handle all the messy process...
And then: off we go and put our hands in the mess! :)

How about you - have you been messy lately?

April 14, 2010

The wall

I find the architecture and walls very inspiring.
But this wall is above all!

A sketch for the fresco, relief, unfinished plaster... are calling to leave my 'seal' on the wall as well.
Isn't it tempting?

April 07, 2010

Little birdy

Because of a very busy timetable...
...I have no choice
but to ask
my favourite little bird
to sing songs for you
in the meantime...

Oh, well, you'll have to choose the melody yourself ;) ...

April 04, 2010

Happy Easter

Wishing you
a happy, beautiful
and colourful

/these original Easter eggs from Bela krajina Region (SE of Slovenia) were made by Nevenka Brajdič Grušovnik/
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