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Welcome... the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok?
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PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )

March 19, 2010

Home is where your heart grows

Dear Hrandica gave me this reward:

and asked me to write 7 things about me.

I decided to write about the things that inspire me. There’s a special magic in them, because they've changed me to a better person.

7 things that make my heart grow:

1. Music for all occasions, like this one for 'critical' times:
'Try not to get worried, try not to turn on to
Problems that upset you, oh.
Don't you know
Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.
And we want you to sleep well tonight.
Let the world turn without you tonight.
If we try, we'll get by, so forget all about us tonight…'

2. Teacher with wise words, like these:
'Your being in this World is your prayer;
radiance of your Love is your meditation;
and your will power and abilities are your work on this World.'

3. Art therapist with advices like this one:
'Focus only on the goal that someone wants from you, but the path to the goal is all yours.'

4. Mt Kailash:
A sacred place for 5 religions, a source of 4 big Asian rivers, a jewel in a shape of pyramid

5. Hundertwasser with his writings like this one:
A magical World?

6. Victims of crime:
They've opened a new World to me.

7. Artists Edi Majaron and Jakov Brdar:
With their boundless energy they showed me how to create, create... despite of obstacles and criticism. To work, to enjoy, to admire, and to create works that spread around Joy and Love.

And here is my 'Spiral of Life' to say Thank You to all of you, creative people who inspire and change the World with your works, words and the work you do. I'm glad to be a part of this World!

(my art-therapy work)

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