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Welcome... the CREATISSIMO blog! If you are (or you want to be) creative, join us here and share your works, thoughts, tips, ideas, etc. with us. We all want to be creative together! We want to focus on creative process, so don't worry if you're not 'talented' (you will see that you are!). Just stop by and talk to us, ok?
Here's my e-address to talk to me 'in person':
PS1: My English is not perfect, but at least it's creative! ; ) Sorry for the mistakes...
PS2: You'll find a few words about me somewhere 'between the lines' of this blog, but you can also try to read a Slovene version on ; )

June 15, 2011

Good news – this blog has moved!

We promised you some renovations, refreshments and this is our first step.

This blog has a new home!!

Please, visit the blog by clicking on the link below :


Creatissimo Lab Blog


don't forget to subscribe to the blog's feed (you can do it now from here).

and connect with me again with signing in via Google Friend Connect Widget while you're there.
I can't wait to see you there! :)


Thank you so much
for the following and connecting with me – let's do that even more!

June 13, 2011


It is like days are turning around the same word again and again… The same word, but two meanings.
What comes on your mind when you see the word care?

Does it bring you positive feelings?

June is a month of positive feelings, I guess…
We feel good in our care for our gardens where we can see the first fruits of our work and care.
It is great to see our school-children, how they went through the school year with our care and now, they deserve a vacation. 
We feel good while we plan with care where to spend the summer this year…

But the feelings can be also negative…

We don't feel good when we care and worry about tomorrow and what it might bring.
We care about our work – are we good enough, smart enough, etc. 
We have negative feeling, when we care about what other people might say about us…
Worries, fears and that kind of care can block us and put us into the stress, discomfort.

The same word, but two meanings. Which meaning do you prefer?

Take CARE for your 'gardens', those in your towns or in the villages, in your heads or on your bodies. Your care will bear fruit for sure!
Good luck!

June 07, 2011

Before and After

Do you remember the picture as work in progress in the post  'Work in progress - or the healing power of creativity'? I was healing my hurt soul with the therapeutic art expression.

When you create, lots of processes are going on in you - the process of  purifying, self analyzing and deep thinking… That's what was going on with me as well.

And that's how this little picture with a special title was born: 'Be natural':


Are we ever natural? When? How we 'are', when we are natureal?…

When we are natural, we grow. When we are natural, we bloom. When we are natural, we are playful, curious, amazed… When we are natural, we are relaxed. When we are natural, we are the way we are.

How do you feel, when you are (or think you are) natural?

PS: the print of this inspirational painting can be found in CreatissimoLab e-shop :). Get inspired to Be natural every day!  

May 31, 2011

Guessing game

Today is a great day for games, so let's play! : )

Last time we were trying to guess this place? And today we will explore Slovenia too… No praise, no glory, just having fun and maybe learning something about Slovenia ; )...

What is the name of this Slovene town?

Here are some tips:

  • be focused on the background of the picture;
  • in this town, a creative person ('on a picture') is looking at you from a window;
  • Romans were here ages ago too, of course;
  • and I loved this place as a child, because they produced something sweet here.

So what do you think? Any ideas? (PS: No worries if your answer won't be correct. I will applaud you for your courage).

PS: This week, my mentors from Finland will explore Slovenia too! Oh, well, first of all, they will check the progress of my phototherapy research : ). Yay! Happy! 

May 27, 2011


What a great creative week it was for me this week… And on my hands too! Paint on my fingers all day long… and there was hardly any time to take it off and do some 'business' stuff as well. Good feelings and energy which I think I've got last weekend when I went away to 'my' place. 

Your answers to my question on a FB showed that you want to see more of my works and hear about art and phototherapy here, on my blog.  Maybe you've noticed that I listened to you already and talked about that in my last few posts :).

And as for my works… It's not that I hide them or don't want to show you my creative process… It is just that I have the time and practical 'obsticals' that keep me stuck where I am. When I'm in the process, with dirty fingers and all, it is just impossible for me to take pictures and photograph the process. Maybe it would be easier to record everything with the video-camera on a trypod…, but at this point I can't do it as there are other things that I have to do as well. Maybe… some day…

Anyway, in all that creative spirit this week, I also decided to try Vladka's challenge to combine different stamps. I like mixing things; it is my 'style', so I had fun with it. This is what I came up with in my playful mood:

Let's take a closer look what I did:

May 25, 2011


I took a break, maybe I even escaped… I found my inner peace at my special place where I usually get my energy back. Among fields, meadows, woods, the river, stones… Besides collecting the blisters on my hands, I could afford a big, relaxing 'nothing'. I was observing. I was just looking at the grass…

…through a window:

…closely (after the rain):

…from far:

…in the wind:

…and the Sun:

And from another point of view:

Do you know that an ordinary grass can be an inspiration for creating, too: 

Have you looked at it (closly) lately, the grass? As you know, inspiration can be waiting for us right in front of our nose

May 19, 2011

Work in progress – or the healing power of creativity

Surely you've heard of the healing power of creativity. Many studies have proved that. My field of work is mainly focused on art therapy and phototherapy, although sometimes the work also includes other forms of art, creative thinking. At the stage of getting to know the client I choose such tasks, which would show me which areas are best to work with a certain client.

Many mix up art therapy and phototherapy with therapeutic art expression and photography, which are healing as well, but in this case, we  'treat' ourselves, without a therapist or consultant. We try to heal our soul, the pain, or we put on our canvas the joy, enthusiasm, fascination. We do this ourselves.

(in progress…)

May 16, 2011


These days I look at the World 'closely' ... What if you're small and others big? How is it, if you don't see what lies behind the great fear that stands in front of your nose? How is it, if you look up and see the World from another perspective?

May 12, 2011


Sometimes all it takes is a click and everything is different. There is no need to move mountains, swim across the Ocean, win the lottery or be the first at talent show. No need to know by heart at least five encyclopedias, survive cancer, test the drugs at least once, believe in miracles... Just a click and everything can be different.

(where, in which direction?)

May 08, 2011

This World…

…is full of inspiration. This World is full of fun. This World is wonderful!

Many times I get inspired by the things and creatures around me. Many times I'm amazed by the creations of Nature. Many times I can't believe I'm a part of this wonderful World!

A new auction for the phototherapy project - an auction of my works is on the go and this time the theme of my works is dedicated to this amazing World!

Please, visit my CreatissimoLab FB Page to bid for the work you like and help us with the project. Also, you are invited to answer the question there, about what you'd like to read more on this blog. Thank you!

PS: If you don't have a FB profile and would like to participate (or have questions), e-mail me and I'll add your bid there for you. 

May 03, 2011

Your answer…

…would help me and this blog get better… :)

You can answer the question directly on the CreatissimoLab FB Page or here on the blog (if you don't have a FB account or have other reasons to not answer there). Thank you very much!

April 30, 2011

Three in one

'Everything is possible' is what I can say for these holiday days.  For this 10-days break that we have here in Slovenia, I created a list of To Do's – of the things that were not able to be done during the working days and finally I reserved some time for them.

The result?

Today (when the holidays are almost over) I look something like this:

(the art work on the photograph is the work of my ex-mentor sculptor  Jakov Brdar)

The results are shown everywhere…

April 29, 2011

United Kingdom

A few more photos from my old photo-albums. Pieces of UK, which might be empty, because everybody will hurry...


UK is not a country that is my favorite, although I was there a couple of times and never had any bad experiences. I didn't even had English rain whenever I was there :)!

But of course UK will always stay in my best memory, because I attended a superb study overthere – and that was the best study 'ever' – the knowledge I've gained is useful for me in my daily and professional life. That's what nobody can forget – 'ever'. And the studying is the cause I would go to UK again immidiately...  


It will be crowdy. And what will occupy the crowded heads? And why?

And what will occupy the heads after the fatal 'yes'? Maybe this?

(And I just have another reason to take out my photographs from old photo-albums – a tiny piece of Great Britain)

Enjoy! – the royal way or non-royal - just the way you like it ;)!

April 27, 2011

Various flowers

Aren't they interesting, all these flowers: of various shapes, sizes, colors, ages…? It's hard to find exactly the same flowers, and that's fascinates me and inspires me. So, where does it say that we have to compare with each other if we are not the same??

The flowers should be a great example to us… Aren't all lovely, special, interesting, different…??

Flowers on the trees:

April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Today I'd like to say Thank You, the Earth.

Thank you for all the forgiveness, tollerance, energy and the beauty that you give us every day. 

(I love your hugs!)

You are loved!

April 21, 2011

Stop on time (for the holidays)

At the University of Art Education we had a professor who remind us a lot that, when painting we also have to be able to stop. Finish. End something. And really, Life is full of such moments that call for conclusions and new beginnings.

Stop on time when you enjoy the festive goodies.
Stop on time when you leave on vacation.
Stop on time when you create.
Stop on time when you criticize or praise someone.
Stop on time when you sigh about the unhappy or happy days.
Stop on time when you do the shopping.
Stop on time when you watch TV.
Stop... on time... Look at the Nature, which teaches us just that: to create, grow and complete = stop on time.

Wishing you great holidays! – the right ones!

PS: Thanks for the beautiful and warm thoughts in comments under my previous posts.

April 18, 2011

Do what you Love – Love what you do

'Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm…' (Charlie Chaplin)

What do you do in your Life, with your Life? Do you do what brings you joy and hapiness? Do you listen to your heart and dreams?

April 17, 2011

Easter on your mind

Only one week to go and Easter will be here. My statistics shows that some people are searching for my Easter works and ideas on my blog and website. So, to make it easier for everybody, I gathered some of my Easter creations in this post (with the links)...


Here they are, but first, read what you will see after you follow the links below:

April 14, 2011

Was it fun?

So, how did you like the guessing game? It might be hard for people from abroad to guess, but why not take a challange and give it a try? Let's have fun with it, ok? Here is another picture of the old town I was asking about in the previous post. The flag might help and give you some clue…


April 12, 2011

Guessing game and sweet things

Today is a perfect day for playing games! :-)

Here is a guessing game for you: What is the name of this old Slovene town?

I will not give any award, you will just have a chance to learn a little bit about our little Slovenia ;-)...

And today is a great day to not tell you about the sweet things you already know about if you read:
my FB page
my blog about phototherapy project
and if you read Maja's blog (I will not tell you about it because then there will be too many competitors for the sweet biscuits).

So, I'll just say: have a nice day and enjoy in the beautiful, sunny days! Smile! :-)

April 11, 2011


Not long ago it was sleepy like this, but these days...

At our place you will find spring on the trees (in selected colors):

and on children's creative art works:

How about at your place?

Let your creative ideas bloom, too! All the best!

April 07, 2011

Nice surprise

Sometimes a day starts with an unexpected surprise...

On a website:

you can see:

Check it out yourself!

Thank you, PerlssDj Daily!
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